XML Workshop 26 – SELECT * FROM XML


One of the responsibilities I have at work is the performance tuning of the databases. Most of the times, I need to query tables that I am not familiar with. Without any clue about the columns a table has, I often do the following sequence of activities.

SELECT TOP 10 * FROM thatTable
Look at the data to locate the columns I need to process
Once the columns are located rewrite the query as:
SELECT Colx, Coly from thatTable WHERE Colz = SomeValue
I found "SELECT *" quite handy when dealing with tables that I am not familiar with. SQL Server does not provide such an easy interface for querying XML documents. Looking at the large number of XQuery questions on the online forums, I feel it would have been very easy if we were able to do the following:

SELECT * FROM XML document
Look at the elements, attributes and their values
Locate the elements and/or attributes that we are interested
Rewrite the query to select the desired elements and attributes:
SELECT value-of element elx, element ely, attribute atx FROM XML Document
It could have been very easy if there is a way to blindly query an XML document (such as a SELECT *) and a way to uniquely identify the element or attribute that we are interested in and finally tell SQL Server to return us those values.

Keeping this in mind, sometime back I wrote a TSQL function which can be used for querying XML variables or columns. You can find the complete source code listing of the function in this post.

Using the XMLTable() Function

Using the XMLTable() function is quite easy. You can pass an XML document into the function and it will return a tabular representation of the XML data. Let us take the example of an RSS feed and see how we can use the XmlTable() function to read information from it.

The following XML document is extracted from the RSS feed generated by my twitter account. It contains two of my recent tweets (I have modified the RSS feed and created a simpler version for the sake of this demonstration)

Twitter / jacobsebastian
Twitter updates from Jacob Sebastian

Announcing winners of TSQL Challenge 23

We have completed the evaluation of TSQL Challenge 23. http://bit.ly/dmQ63G

Fri, 18 Jun 2010 14:41:12 +0000

XQuery Lab 57 – Getting Started with OPENXML

This post intends to help you get started with OPENXML(). http://bit.ly/9gThU7

Thu, 17 Jun 2010 12:35:34 +0000

This simplest way to use the XMLTable() function is as follows:

-- In case you want to process an XML Variable
SELECT @x = '-- XML HERE -- '

-- In case you want to process an XML Column
Let us try to play a little with the XMLTable() function and see how it helps to read information from XML documents easily.

Reading all “title” elements from the RSS Feed

The following example retrieves all the “title” elements from the RSS feed.

SELECT @x = '

Twitter / jacobsebastian
Twitter updates from Jacob Sebastian

Announcing winners of TSQL Challenge 23

We have completed the evaluation of TSQL Challenge 23.

Fri, 18 Jun 2010 14:41:12 +0000

XQuery Lab 57 – Getting Started with OPENXML

This post intends to help you get started with OPENXML().

Thu, 17 Jun 2010 12:35:34 +0000


SELECT NodeName, ParentName, Value FROM XMLTable(@x)
WHERE NodeName = 'Title'
NodeName ParentName Value
-------- ---------- --------------------------------------------
title channel Twitter / jacobsebastian
title item XQuery Lab 57 – Getting Started with OPENXML
title item Announcing winners of TSQL Challenge 23
Note that it retrieves the title from the channel as well as item elements. The following example shows how to retrieve the title of item nodes only.

SELECT @x = '

Twitter / jacobsebastian
Twitter updates from Jacob Sebastian

Announcing winners of TSQL Challenge 23

We have completed the evaluation of TSQL Challenge 23.

Fri, 18 Jun 2010 14:41:12 +0000

XQuery Lab 57 – Getting Started with OPENXML

This post intends to help you get started with OPENXML().

Thu, 17 Jun 2010 12:35:34 +0000


SELECT NodeName, ParentName, Value FROM XMLTable(@x)
WHERE NodeName = 'Title'
AND ParentName = 'item'
NodeName ParentName Value
-------- ---------- --------------------------------------------
title item XQuery Lab 57 – Getting Started with OPENXML
title item Announcing winners of TSQL Challenge 23
Auto-Generating the correct XPath expressions

People often send me emails that reads like “I have the following XML document and when I try to read values from xxx node I am getting a NULL”. Almost always I have found that the problem was an incorrect XPath expression. Many people find it really confusing to write the correct XPath expression pointing to a given element or attribute within an XML document.

The XMLTable() function can be used to generate the required XPath expressions for you. The following example demonstrates this.

Retrieve the XPath expression and value of the Item elements
SELECT XPath, Value FROM XMLTable(@x)
WHERE NodeName = 'Title'
AND ParentName = 'item'
XPath Value
---------------------------------- --------------------------------------------
rss[1]/channel[1]/item[2]/title[1] XQuery Lab 57 – Getting Started with OPENXML
rss[1]/channel[1]/item[1]/title[1] Announcing winners of TSQL Challenge 23

Locate, copy and paste the XPath expression into your XQuery

SELECT @x.value('rss[1]/channel[1]/item[1]/title[1]','VARCHAR(100)') AS Title
Announcing winners of TSQL Challenge 23
Reading information from all the item elements

The following example shows how to read all the information from all the item elements in the XML document we examined earlier.

WHERE ParentName = 'Item'
ORDER BY ParentPosition
ParentPosition NodeName Value
-------------- ----------- ---------------------------------------
1 description We have completed the evaluation of T..
1 pubDate Fri, 18 Jun 2010 14:41:12 +0000
1 title Announcing winners of TSQL Challenge ..
2 description This post intends to help you get sta..
2 pubDate Thu, 17 Jun 2010 12:35:34 +0000
2 title XQuery Lab 57 – Getting Started with ..
Our XML document had two item elements. The above query returns values from all the child elements of the two item nodes we had. If you want to read a specific element you can filter it by using the ParentPosition column.

WHERE ParentName = 'Item'
AND ParentPosition = 2
ParentPosition NodeName Value
-------------- ----------- ---------------------------------------
2 description This post intends to help you get sta..
2 pubDate Thu, 17 Jun 2010 12:35:34 +0000
2 title XQuery Lab 57 – Getting Started with ..
Viewing the XML Structure and values

If you want to quickly view the XML structure of the document, you can look at the FullPath and TreeView columns. Here is an example:

SELECT FullPath, TreeView, Value FROM XMLTable(@x)
order by id
FullPath TreeView Value
---------------------------- ------------------ -----------------------------
rss rss NULL
rss/channel |-channel NULL
rss/channel/description |-description Twitter updates from Jacob ..
rss/channel/item |-item NULL
rss/channel/item/description |-description We have completed the evalu..
rss/channel/item/pubDate |-pubDate Fri, 18 Jun 2010 14:41:12 +..
rss/channel/item/title |-title Announcing winners of TSQL ..
rss/channel/item |-item NULL
rss/channel/item/description |-description This post intends to help y..
rss/channel/item/pubDate |-pubDate Thu, 17 Jun 2010 12:35:34 +..
rss/channel/item/title |-title XQuery Lab 57 – Getting Sta..
rss/channel/language |-language en-us
rss/channel/link |-link http://twitter.com/jacobseb..
rss/channel/title |-title Twitter / jacobsebastian
rss/channel/ttl |-ttl 40
Output Reference

The XMLTable() function returns a number of columns that you can use in different ways to solve some of your XQuery requirements. The following is a complete listing of all the columns returned by this function.

ID: Row ID, a unique sequence number
ParentName: Immediate parent name of the current element or attribute
ParentPosition: Position of the parent element within its parent node
Depth: Depth of the current node in the XML document
NodeName: Name of the current element or attribute
Position: Position of the current element in its parent. Always 1 for attributes
NodeType: Type of current member: "element" or "attribute"
FullPath: Full path to the current element/attribute
XPath: XPath expression pointing to the current element/attribute
TreeView: A tree representation indicating the position of the current element or attribute
Value: Text value of the current element or attribute
XmlData: The XML data contained in the current element or attribute
Click here to download the source code of XmlTable() function.


This post demonstrates an easy way to quickly query XML documents. If you find it very hard to deal with XQuery, you might find this function very helpful. XQuery may be a better choice on production environments, for performance reasons.